Frequently Asked Question
What do I need for optimum browsing when visiting Zenith 1973?
To make your experience at Zenith 1973 as pleasant as possible, we recommend using the latest version of your browser. If you access our website using an older version, we cannot guarantee that all of its features will function properly. Please note that your browser must accept cookies and be SSL compatible.
How may I get assistance with my online order?
You can contact our Customer Service department by telephone on +65-97360803 Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5.30pm, or use Contact Us to send an email.
Where does Zenith 1973 deliver?
Generally, goods purchased on the Zenith 1973 website delivers globally.
However, please note that Zenith 1973 reserves the right to void any order due to unforseen delivery challenges in certain areas. Payments will then be refunded to you.
Collect in store
Can I do self collection?
It is possible to collect the items you have ordered on Zenith 1973 from 221 Henderson Road #06-18 Singapore 159557, 3 working days after payment has been verified.